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view post Posted on 3/4/2009, 19:43

Thursday, April 02, 2009

More on the Big Announcement
Okay, first nothing in the big announcement yesterday says that the demographics for the Anita Blake series are men age 18-34. That is IFC’s main demographics, and it’s stated that way in the press release. Having said that, the Blake novels have a rather large male following. My understanding, one of the largest male followings of any of the vampire oriented series, but then I’ve been around the longest, so I’ve had time to build. I also have more police work and crime stopping than most of the series, and that’s considered a more male oriented area. I say considered because I love that shit and I am female. But IFC didn’t say it doesn’t have female audience, just that it’s not it’s main demographic. I’ve been asked a lot in the last few years what are my demographics, and I can only tell you who comes out and stands in line. In the mid-west it’s more women to men maybe only a third male, or less. On either coast it’s closer to fifty/fifty but women do edge out at events. Age range is harder because it runs from teens all the way through to forties and fifties and beyond. I guess the largest share to stand in line are twenties, thirties, and forties, though frankly I’m not a good judge of age once people get near either side of thirty; you guys all look like grown-ups to me. We have several multi-generational families across the country where everyone from the grandkids, parents, and grandparents all read and share the novels. How’s that for demographics?

Will there be DVD and down loadable episodes? For the love of Mike, people, we just announced yesterday!

Please, stop sending your resumes and head shots this way. For those who didn’t think of it yet, DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT send your resumes and head shots into us. Hold your horses. We are not certain how casting will be handled for all the parts, as of yet. When we know, we will share that information. I promise. When we know any details about casting, we will happily, gleefully share it, but do not send pictures or resumes to us, now. If you do, we will be forced to put anything into a pile that maybe destined for the shredder, unread, unopened. You may be brilliant. You may be perfect. You may be as gorgeous as you think you are, but if you send it now we will never know. Please, do not send us stuff now. Wait, just wait, give us a little time to breath. Okay?

I’m happy you guys are so excited. We’re excited, too. I was first approached by movie interests on Anita almost ten years ago now. I won’t say who, because we couldn’t come to an agreement, so the deal never happened. I have waited a long time to be able to share this bit of news with all of you. When we have more details to share, we will share, but for now I’m going to try and enjoy the big announcement, and not worry about all the details. They say, the devil is in the details. Let’s be on the side of the angels tonight, and be just a little vague.

Posted by LKH on 04/02 at 10:36 PM

view post Posted on 4/4/2009, 16:03

Friday, April 03, 2009

New Holster
I’m sitting here in a shoulder holster with my newest gun, a Smith & Wesson M&P 9c snuggish against my side. We have a holster designed for the rig, but we’ve had to play with the fit of it. Breasts get in the way of guns if the holster or the rigging isn’t quite right. Before we decide exactly how the straps are going to stay, I’ll try different bras and see if it makes a difference. I’ve already found two suit jackets that slide over everything so you wouldn’t know the gun was there. Jon was surprised at how invisible it was when we got it all done. Frankly, so was I. But the rig would not work with either of the Brownings. That extra length here and there would be enough to ruin the line of the jackets. New holster, new shoulder rig, new gun, my draw is painfully slow. I would not want to trust my life to speed right now, because I would so loose. But that’s why you take the new stuff out and wear it around the house to see how it works. The whole thing is surprisingly comfortable, but part of that is that we can’t get the shoulder straps as tight as I’d want it. I never count a holster set up out until we’ve spent a few days playing with it, because my body is so not designed for most of this stuff. Too narrow through the shoulders, too much breast, too narrow of waist; it’s all designed with boys in mind. If we get the whole thing to fit me well, then we’ll share what it is, but if we don’t, I won’t share, because we’re basically trying to get it to fit someone that is so far outside what it was built for that it’s almost not a fair test of it’s worth. Jon bought the same rig so we’ll try it on him, too, and if it fits him well, again we may share. If I have good things to say, then I put it on the blog, I try to keep complaints to a minamum. He’ll have a different holster though, since the S&W is mine.

We ordered all the gun stuff some months ago, but only got it in recently. I’d hoped to be trying the stuff on while I was writing SKIN TRADE, since it’s for Anita research, but it missed the window. The window is now looking out on fairie or Los Angeles; it depends on the day. I have begun the next Merry book, but it’s leading me a not so merry chase in search of a plot thread that doesn’t unravel. Life continues at it’s usual pace with the new Merry book started, sort of, not happy with it yet, but that’s me. Work on the next issue of the Laughing Corpse comic continues. Some amazing images of Jean-Claude today. We announced the television movie adaptation just a few days ago, and that is moving along, as well. I’m almost done with a shorter piece that just demanded to be written, we’ll see what happens with it. Just writing all that and rereading it makes me go, wow, or maybe uh-oh. It seems like a lot, but it doesn’t feel like it. I am strangely calm, and unpanicked. Before Jon and I went to England for publisher business and research, I was a little overwhelmed. But in among all the work we had a few days to relax. I haven’t blogged about much of the England trip because we were only home for about a week when the next trip came up. That one was completely for fun, visiting friends out of state. Then a few days later the trip to Florida with the family. It was a lot of travel, but at the end of it all I felt better. My idea that if I work this hard, I need to play equally as hard seems to be a good idea. I spent so long working my butt off, and then collapsing, when what I needed to do was drag my tired self out to play. So I did, and I loved it. I think I may have hit on a way to fill that well of creativity up again. Let’s play.

Posted by LKH on 04/03 at 11:06 PM

view post Posted on 6/4/2009, 17:09

Sunday, April 05, 2009

A girl’s afternoon out
Today was a girl’s afternoon out. Trinity and I picked up Grandma, and we went out shopping. Trin and I needed new jammies. She can still wear some of her little sleep shirts, but she’s gotten tall enough that just because they fit doesn’t mean they’re really big enough for her. I needed some jammies that could be worn on family vacations and when visiting friends. Most of my sleepwear runs high to lingerie, so new was needed. I’ve worn the only two pieces I have that are company appropriate in Florida and when visiting friends out of state. I found one set for me, and Trin found two for herself. I also wanted Grandma’s opinion on new furniture for the living room. It’s painted now and there are new shelves along the one wall, but the old furniture does not match the new paint job, so new is needed. We may have found some, but we have to measure again. Measure twice, cut once, is the old saying. I’ll paraphrase it here: Measure twice, and the furniture really will fit the room. We also shopped for shoes, and I have to say that some of this year’s sandals are entirely too cool. But we saw shoe styles that are ala the 1940s, the 1960s, and the 1970s. The clothes also show those decades. I never thought I’d see maxi dresses again, especially not with crochet trim. My older cousins wore them in the day. Everything old is new again seems to be the catch phrase for the "new" fashions this spring.

Posted by LKH on 04/05 at 09:32 PM

view post Posted on 7/4/2009, 12:59

Monday, April 06, 2009

Prince Charming is not Coming
Some ideas are light and fluffy. They come on a whim, rush out in a story, and you’re done. But the ideas that last for me, the ones that make books, series, always come from emotional places. A lot of Anita comes from my mother’s death when I was six, all that anger and confusion that somehow translated into a fascination with death and violence. The Merry books came out of the realization that my first marriage wasn’t working. The books came out of my feeling of betrayal that the whole love of your life, one man to make it all work, was a lie. So, I created a fairytale where there isn’t just one Prince Charming, but a dozen, or more, and there isn’t just one love’s first kiss. It’s about turning all those stories on their ears, and saying, "It’s not true." Prince Charming isn’t coming. He never was coming. The princess better join a gym, buy a gun, finish college, get that promotion, and save herself, because no one is riding to the rescue.

I finally realized why I was having such trouble starting the next Merry book. I finally understand the emotion that gave birth to her world. That emotion was pain. My heart broke the year that I created Merry. Jump ahead two years later, and I was in love again, and somehow marriage had seemed like a good idea after I’d vowed never to marry again. Jonathon made me hopeful again. Not about Prince Charming, I’d had enough of that. I’d be my own prince, thanks. I was looking for a man who wanted to be my princess for a change, and Jonathon was okay with that. He didn’t find it insulting, or demeaning. It’s always struck me as ironic that my first husband hated being called Mr. Laurell K. Hamilton, when it was his last name, but Jonathon is still okay with being Mr. Hamilton when we’re on tour, even though it’s never been his name. We joke that I let him keep his maiden name.

Anita came out of pain, but it’s a pain so old and so familiar that it’s part of the fondation of myself. I don’t know what it would feel like to be without it. The pain for Merry was too fresh, and now I feel so much better. That pain is gone, but I still have Merry books to write. The trick is, can I write them without living in the pain that created the world? Can I find a happy place from which to approach Merry and her world in my head? I don’t know, but I’d like to try to write a book from a positive emotion instead of all the negative ones. How novel it would be for me to write a book inspired by something besides loss. But the only book I’ve started in the last year that wasn’t Anita, or Merry, was based on another kind of loss. They say that divorce is like a death, and having tasted both for real, I’ll agree. But some people don’t die, or divorce you, they just go out of your life. It isn’t as hard as the two big ’Ds’, but it’s still pain, it still hurts, there’s still that feeling of betrayal, and puzzlement. How the hell did we get to this point? That’s what you ask yourself, then, you realize that it doesn’t matter how we got here, only that we are here, and that’s an end of it. It’s over. It ends not with a bang, but a whimper, to misquote T. S. Elliot.

I’m sad tonight, thinking of old loss and new, and loss to come, because to be alive is to loose something every damn day. That’s the lesson I learned on a hot summer’s day when I was six, and the lesson has never really left me.

Posted by LKH on 04/06 at 11:55 PM

La Hamilton non può deprimersi così T_T povera...
view post Posted on 11/4/2009, 12:00

Friday, April 10, 2009

If Only I Could Fly
We woke up before dawn today, because my ex was bringing Trinity by very early. I lay there in the dark, with the black pressing against the windows and thought, "Well, we’ll be up before Darla gets here this morning." She chose to have early start time so she could go home earlier in the afternoon. Then I had that sinking feeling, and realized we will be up and dressed, but Darla isn’t coming today, or any day. I think the decision she made to leave was the right one for her, and all of us, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss her. I hope eventually we can mend our friendship. Right now, it’s all too raw like a fresh wound. Here’s to healing.

Date night was amazing, by the way. Life moves on and all that. But this morning reminded me that I’m still in that stage where you know someone’s gone, but you forget periodically. It’s like a divorce, or a death, or someone whose moved far away. You think, "Oh, I’ll be seeing so and so today" then you realize, no you won’t. Life goes on, and you enjoy it, but there is still mourning to be done for any change in your life. Change to most people equals a kind of death. Gosh, I guess this is one area that I’m actually just like everybody else. As a couple of my friends keep pointing out, "There’s no big "S" on your chest, Laurell. You’re just human." I have to admit I find that a little disappointing. It would be so cool to be able to fly.

Posted by LKH on 04/10 at 07:49 AM

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Date Night
Tonight is date night this week, and Jon and I both feel a real need for some recreation. It has been a stressful few days, but it’s getting better, or easier, or something. Thanks to everyone that has expressed sympathy with Darla and us for the events of the last few days. It’s much appreciated. I think I will try tomorrow to move on from this sad business to other more cheerful things. But right now, it’s time to concentrate fully on my husband and the fact that we are kid-free tonight. Off to enjoy date night, and all that entails for us. Hope everyone who reads this is having even close to as much fun as we are, and I don’t just mean sex. Fun comes in all flavors. Enjoy whatever your favorite flavor is tonight, even sports, if it makes you happy. (my first husband pretty much burned me out on sports) My favorite flavor right now is butter pecan.

Posted by LKH on 04/09 at 08:37 PM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What some of you have read on MySpace and Amazon is true. I am sad to report that Darla no longer works for us. I won’t add much to what she wrote, other than it was very sudden and unexpected. One minute things were normal and the next they weren’t, and she was gone. It seems so strange that she is not coming through the door in the morning. We will all miss her, and that includes the dogs. Pip keeps walking down the hallway to her office to look for her, but she is not there. The thought that she will never be there again is a hard one. She wrote on her message that with the job ending so did the friendship, but that doesn’t have to be true on our part. I’m hoping that once feelings calm down that we can still be friends, but if not, then it is a double loss.

People have asked who will send out the LKH bits, well, eventually it will be a new employee. I have one scheduled to start on the 20th, as planned before all this happened, but I had to scramble around in the last twenty-four hours to find someone to take over the admin job on the forum, MySpace, etc . . . I’m not certain yet which of them will be doing the bits. I was planning a nice cheerful post about the person I hired on purpose, but I’d rather wait and post it when I’m actually happy and not a little depressed about all this. The new hire is an artist so we’ll finally have our very own in house artist, who is also computer savvy. I don’t hire many people that aren’t able to do the computer stuff since it’s such a weak area for me, I need support staff. Darla, Jon, and I had talked about having an artist on-board for years, someone who was at our idea beck and call. Now, Darla will not be here to see it. Her departure may force me to use our newest person more for computers than I had planned, but the day to day maintenance will be the person I hired yesterday. Jon is doing the posting of the blog to the various sites, but the e-mails are going to pile up. We’ll give you a new e-mail address to mail to, when we have it all figured out. I’ll be having Jon bring people up to speed, and we might be able to get things moving this week sometime. I’ll let you know. I’m a little thrown, so please bear with me. I did not expect to be hiring a second new person in less than a week. It just didn’t cross my mind that it would be needed.

The merchandise will keep coming, give us a day or two and orders will be done. I’ve already put somebody on it here, who was helping Darla fill orders the last year, or so. So, business will continue. But we’re all sad here, regardless of how it happened, it is a loss. We wish Darla all the best, and hope for her future success.

Posted by LKH on 04/08 at 08:00 AM

view post Posted on 17/4/2009, 13:27

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Toads and Frog
I heard the toads singing outside my office windows tonight for the first time this spring. Our house sitter said that they sang while we were in Florida, but then it got drastically cold again, and they went back to wherever they’d been hiding. But tonight, they’re back, and maybe spring will stay this time. We’re all really ready for the weather to stay warm. It was quite a shock to the system to leave warm, sunny Florida only to arrive back in St. Louis with snow on the ground. That was only two weeks ago. We went out tonight with flashlights and counted around the water garden. We have nine toads and one really big frog, but it’s not a bullfrog. I know what that looks like, but it is a frog. I’ll be looking him up in my identification books tomorrow, but for tonight it’s time for us to go to bed. We’ll leave the chilly spring night to the serenading toads, and the silent frog. Oh, the toads are Southern Chorus Toads, if the recording we have of their song is correct.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Work moves on
"Pig" by Seether on the player. Loud.

Made my minimum of pages on DIVINE MISDEMEANORS the new Merry book.

Yoga today. I’ve found that no matter how stressful the day that yoga is good. Cool.

We’re getting dates for signings for the next Anita book, SKIN TRADE. When things are confirmed we’ll put them up, so you’ll know when and where. We should know some dates before the end of this week.

We should have the new employees up and running at full speed by end of next week. It’s been a little hectic, but it’s all coming together surprisingly well. I guess not all change is bad, just a little traumatic.

Jon and I still feel a little traumatized with the recent events, but you know what, it’ll work out. We’ll get the help we need. I was able to work today and really concentrate. There was a moment when I hit the intercom for a name and a description of one of Merry’s men that hadn’t been in the last book. It would normally have been Darla who answered the question, but I told Carri to find the electronic copies of the Merry books and look for me. Which is what Darla would have done. Jon found the name; Usna. Carri found the chapter and last two appearances of the character. The work moves on.

Next week Jon won’t be shouldering so much of the load for the forum and the other computer presences. We’ll introduce you guys to our new guy. We’re adding an extra person, but he’s going to telecommute so we don’t have to add to the number of people in our home offices. The real downside to working like this is putting extra people in your home during the day, just like it’s a regular office, but it’s also really your home. It’s an odd mix, and contributes to a level of informality that can be harmful to both productivity and professional behavior. I keep threatening to make everyone dress for work like it’s an office, but I think Jon would lead the rebellion. I’m the boss, but there are limits. I probably could get most everybody to agree to a Goth day at work, heck half of us do that regularly anyway, but suit and ties, hmm. Mary would do it, but for the rest, well, a wise boss understands that what you wear isn’t as important as what you do.

Monday, April 13, 2009

More Carrot; less Stick
I’ve got about six pages done today, which considering how disrupted everything has been, has made me very happy. There was a time when I would have simply punished myself for not getting all the goals I’d set myself done today, but I’m learning to be more gentle with myself. Or maybe I’ve just had too much stick and not enough carrot lately. Heck with the carrot, I want cake. I’ll settle for jelly beans, though. Post-Easter candy - yum.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Working Holiday
Happy Easter; Happy Passover; Happy Eostara.

Jon and I didn’t really celebrate any of the above holidays today. We both worked. Jon on getting the new server up and running. Me on going through my writer’s notebooks and filing the pages. I used to do that every time I finished a notebook. File ideas: Anita ideas, Merry ideas, ideas unrelated to either series. I woke up this morning knowing that I had the beginning of the next Merry book in the last finished notebook, but at the time I wrote the opening I was too stressed, too overwhelmed to see it. I was so negative in my head that it just didn’t ring true. This morning I remembered it and knew it was the right one, I just had to have enough perspective to realize it. It’s funny how a negative mindset can suck the happy goodness out of everything. So, I have my opening, and I have more notes on the book, plus notes on Anita, and lot’s of other things. I have been working so hard for so long that I just let the organizational things that helped me work better go by the wayside.

We had to bring on the new employee part time this last week, because we needed the extra hands. Carri asked me what my work schedule was, so she would know how to work with it. I told her I try to get to my desk by 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning, then a break for lunch between 11:00 to 1:00, then back to work. I either broke when Trinity came home from school, or Jon rode heard on homework and I worked until dinner at between 6:00 and 7:30. I worked at least two to four hours on Saturday, but tried to take Sunday off. Carri said, "That’s about fifty hours a week minamum."

I thought about that, then shrugged and said, "Yeah."

I hadn’t really understood what I’d been making myself do, but that was my schedule for eight years. The last two years, I’d been slacking off a little, because I was tired. My muse was tired. My idea factory in my head seemed to having a work stoppage. Sherry, whose worked for me the longest, before Jon, before Darla, there was Sherry. She doesn’t deal with the fans, or go to events, but prefers a quieter work mode. She said to me a few months ago, "Are you ever going to be able to not work this hard?"

I said, "No."

She looked at me, and said, "I know you’re successful and doing great, but if I knew I was going to have to work this hard forever, I wouldn’t be happy." Sherry never complains, never says things like this, so that should have been a sign that maybe I needed to redo my schedule. But I just tried to power on, until I just had to take a break. This last month is the longest I’ve ever gone without making pages in my adult life. I have never taken this much time off. Was there room in the schedule for it? No. Was it absolutely necessary? Yes. I feel better, refreshed, as if I can finally look out and see that there really is a horizon, and not just a keyboard in front of me. This coming week I start working with my staff to make our operation work like a company, like a real business. We’re going to implement paperwork and scheduling and all that stuff I hated in corporate America, because I’ve discovered that you need some of it. You need it to keep track of things, to know what everybody is doing, and to find out if the resources available, including personnel, are being used well. I finally had to accept the fact that I am a writer, but I am also a boss, and it’s time I started acting like one. Sigh, but part of that sigh is a relieved one.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The day got better
We could sleep in today, and I was wide awake at 4:30 AM. It was close enough for just getting up instead of laying there and staring at things, so I got up. I’m up earlier than a school day, and a little grumpy because of it. But the day got better from there. I actually had a really good writing session today, and it felt wonderful. Around mid-day Pili and Carri came to work on the garden. Pili is doing the garden; Carri is her labor force. Jon and I helped some, mostly toting and fetching for Pili. The beds are laid out and we’re awaiting a delivery of soil next week. I’m finally going to have those red climbing roses I’ve wanted since I was five-years-old. I guess it’s about time. We tried for sushi for dinner, but the restaurant had an hour wait so we had Thai instead, which was excellent. So now we’re sipping hot tea and about to head to bed. I’m really feeling that whole getting up before dawn at the moment, so bed and sleep sound really good.

Posted by LKH on 04/11 at 10:42 PM

view post Posted on 18/4/2009, 13:26

Friday, April 17, 2009

Date night continued
Jon and I actually got to go out to our favorite sushi restaurant for date night, then to our favorite ice cream palor, then home. We watched the newly tivo-d CSI episode. I won’t spoil it if you haven’t watched it, but if you have ever been a Star Trek fan you will love it. It was fun and a good cap to the night. Then I did the blog you read last night, then up to bed for us. No, I’m not sharing details.

It had been a long time since we’d actually got dressed up and gone out for date night, more often it’s cuddling at home and a movie, but it was nice to actually go out on a date for our night together. We’re going to try to do it more often.

Posted by LKH on 04/17 at 10:32 PM

view post Posted on 21/4/2009, 14:50

Monday, April 20, 2009

TV Guide
We’re mentioned in the latest issue of "TV Guide". Page 14. Look for the still from TRUE BLOOD, the show based on Charlaine Harris’, Sookie Stackehouse books. The headline is, "The Twilight Effect". There’s also another vampire series mentioned above mine that I’ve never even heard of. Does it bother me that series that I predate by a decade, or more, are above my mention? No.

Let’s face it, Twilight kicked ass as an international bestseller, by taking my genre and sanitizing it within an inch of it’s life, but her original audience was under twelve, so my level of sex and violence would have been totally inappropriate. The fact that her books have found a much wider audience range is probably what contributed to her getting more violent in the last book. When you know you aren’t traumatizing preteens, you can play a little rougher. The movie version of the book was a box office phenomena, which means that almost every media mention of fiction with vampires in it is going to be associated with that movie. Period.

Of the three series mentioned Charlaine’s books are the only ones that have film stills to put in the magazine, because her series is already finished with it’s first season. It’s done well for her, and so it gets the bigger visual, because it has a television visual to use.

They have actors tied to the second series mentioned, and the visual is the face of one of those actors. Again, a television tie-in, that I do not have yet.

There was some discussion about putting the cover of Skin Trade by my mention, but I voted with the television people. Once upon a time I was an art editor and I knew that though a lovely cover, Skin Trade, would not look as eye catching done small. But that the comic book cover of Anita would look good big, or small. So there we are in TV Guide with my name spelled right, and Anita Blake spelled right, too. It’s all good.

Posted by LKH on 04/20 at 05:36 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This weekend has been about catching up with friends. Friday night Richard came over and had dinner with all of us. None of the three of us could remember the last time he’d been over for a meal. That three is Jon, Trinity, and myself. Saturday night we met our friends Jim, Joanie, and their daughter, Missa, at a restaurant that we’ve all been going to since the girls were babies. We got to exchange Christmas presents between our families. Yes, that’s right, we exchanged Winter holiday presents in April. It’s a combination of our lives being incredibly busy and theirs, too. We had another friend that had wanted to come up this weekend, but we’d already committed ourselves.

Last night I dreamed about giant ants and doughtnuts. Did I wake up afraid of ants? No. I woke up wanting Krispy Kreme. Curses.

Posted by LKH on 04/19 at 12:03 PM

view post Posted on 24/4/2009, 18:33

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day! Hug a tree, pet a bush, or plant something. Actually we’re waiting for the ground to dry out enough so we can plant the seeds and plants in our conservatory. The unusually chilly and wet weather has set the garden back weeks. But it’s supposed to be pretty after tomorrow, and warm, so maybe we’ll catch up eventually.

I think I’ve figured out the timeline for the Merry book, DIVINE MISDEMEANORS, after several false starts.

Comic lettering due tomorrow.

A short piece perilously close to done. If it works then I’ll have written two short stories/novelettes, in the same year. Maybe the month break helped, but something helped, because I haven’t had this many shorter ideas in years.

Posted by LKH on 04/22 at 10:24 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Full Staff
Busy day. Jon finally beat AT&T into submission and we have our T1 line up and almost running. Shawn was here so Jon could bring him up to speed as our new admin for the web site, forum, MySpace, Facebook, etc . . . Carri is on full time this week as the new personal assistant/graphics person. So we had a full staff in house today. To cap it we invited Charles for lunch, because he’s friends with both Shawn and Carri, as well as us. Charles also told me that several of you had assumed that he was going to be the new admin, but he said ages ago that he wasn’t temperamentally suited to the job. I think both Carri and Jon said something simular which is why Shawn got tapped. It was a fun lunch, but Jon got called away before we’d finished for phone calls about the T1, and while we were all still eating Carri took a call from my editor. Came back and told me I had thirty minutes until next call, so we finished eating and went back to work. It was a day of phone calls and decisions and some progress made on the new Merry book, but most of the day went for other business. I’m hoping that from this point on the business will be more invisible for me and leave me free to do the work that can’t be delegated to anyone else namely the writing. Though tomorrow I’ll be going over the lettering for the next issue of the comic. I’ve got one phone call to my publicist to finalize dates for SKIN TRADE events, but I’m hoping other than lettering that I can actually write more. Though there is that pesky appointment I have tomorrow.

I wrote in the blog awhile back that I needed that clipboard assistant, well I’ve got one now. Having everyone here today and watching everyone work so well together was nice. I like harmony when I can get it, but my childhood taught me that if you need confrontation to fix a problem that’s okay, too.

Posted by LKH on 04/21 at 09:12 PM

Anita Blake;
view post Posted on 6/5/2009, 10:34

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Our friend Pili is coming over tonight to cook for us. She’s actually Spanish, but her family owned a Mexican restaurant for years so she got in the habit of celebrating the holiday. It will be a family holiday with the three of us, Carri, Pili’s partner, and Jon’s parents. I haven’t celebrated Cinco de Mayo since Spanish club in high school, but I’m positive the food will be much better. Pili is an amazing cook, and in high school the club members themselves, including me, cooked the meal. A bunch of mid-western high school students cooking Mexican food, often for the first time. The results were not pretty, and often not entirely edible. Though it was one of the first times I learned that pretty doesn’t mean it tastes good and looking icky didn’t mean it wasn’t good to eat. Of course, some times looks are accurate, opossum stew comes to mind.

No, really, I’m from the deep south originally. I’ve had opossum stew, and it’s about the greasiest meat I ever want to attempt. Waahh! Include a full body shiver with that and you’ve got the reaction. For all you southerners or wild game eaters that want to argue greasy meat with me, let me add I have not eaten raccoon or bear. I’m told unless cooked very carefully both meats are greasier than opposum. If that is true, I do not want to test this theory. See earlier reaction. Thuaaaa! You must stick your tongue out in order to make that sound properly.

I’ve made more progress writing today than yesterday, but as it nears five o’clock I’m tired. Since I’ve been working since about nine this morning, that’s probably normal. There was a break for Jon and I to do yoga, which helped with all that sitting at the desk. But now, done for the day. I’m closing up the office and heading to the house so I can see if Pili needs me to play souse chef. Though Jon’s a much better cook than I am, so he’s probably souse chef. I’ll just chop things. Cutting things up; that I can do. Oh, and for all of you who don’t know what souse chef means, you are obviously not watching enough Gordon Ramsey.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Tour Dates for SKIN TRADE
Tour dates for SKIN TRADE;

June 1st at the St. Louis County Library. Yes, that’s right if you come to this signing you can get the book a day earlier than any other bookstore is supposed to put it on sale. My publisher made a special exception for the home town signing. Left Bank Books will be providing the books.

June 3rd in Chicago, Il, Borders Books & Music the store is actually located in Oak Brook.

June 5th in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since SKIN TRADE is set in Vegas we had to have at least one signing there. It will be at the Clarke County Library where we have a stage to play on, with all that implies. It’s a very nice venue for the Q & A. Books will be sold by Barnes and Noble.

More info to come.

Edited by Noel† - 10/5/2009, 21:42
view post Posted on 10/5/2009, 20:43

Friday, May 08, 2009

Ocho de Mayo
Happy Ocho de Mayo. The official celebration that all the leftovers from Cinco de Mayo are gone.

Tonight I made a Chupaqueso. For those of you not familiar with the Chupaqueso, it is an interesting dish. Originated by Howard Tayler of Schlock Mercenary, it is a molten cheese and filling stuffed into a wrapper of cheese. I dubbed mine the Chupaqueso de Muerte con Ensalada ala mode. Below is a picture sans ala mode y ensalada.

Chupaqueso de MuerteIt was made with a shell of Cheddar and Mozarella, and a filling of Havarti, Bacon, Ham and Olives. OK, so the salad was sperate from the Chupaqueso, and only one of us had Ice Cream anywhere near it. But Still.

Laurell pronounced it "Horribly good." and then forbade me from making another one for a "Long Time"

I was originally going to call it the Chupaqueso de Luchadores, but after sharing one of theses among four adults it was named "of Death" and put on the infamous list of Foods forbidden to be made. Crock-Pot Lasagna is also on this list. Yes, once we had a dinner party called on account of "Lasagna of Death". After eating one serving of the evil, wondrous, food, we all sat around looking at each other, trying not to fall into a food coma.

Tonight was a little like that.

Posted by Jonathon on 05/08 at 11:37 PM

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Dinner at home, movie out, now home for one last cup of hot beverage and desert. Oh, we saw "Wolverine." We liked it. Not high art, but if you want a blow-shit-up-real-good movie this would be the one, at least until we see "Star Trek". Hugh Jackman had hit the gym and he looked great, but it wasn’t until near the end of the movie when he was in a white tank top undershirt, jeans, and roaring at the camera that all that shoulder, arm, and back work gave the money shot. He maybe too tall at 6’ 3" but damn except for height he was, in that one moment, Wolverine. For those who did not know Wolverine in the comics is 5’ 3", my height, which was why he was always one of my favorite.

Posted by LKH on 05/07 at 10:21 PM

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Updated Tour Info
I’ve updated the blog from Monday with the correct info. but here it is again:

June 1st at the St. Louis Public Library, Central Branch. Yes, that’s right if you come to this signing you can get the book a day earlier than any other bookstore is supposed to put it on sale. My publisher made a special exception for the home town signing. Subterranean Books will be providing the books. The event starts at 6pm.

Posted by Jonathon on 05/06 at 05:50 PM


Venerdì, 8 Maggio 2009
Ocho de Mayo
Felice Ocho de Mayo. La celebrazione ufficiale che tutti gli avanzi del Cinco de Mayo sono andati.
Stasera ho fatto un Chupaqueso. Per quelli di voi che non hanno familiarità con il Chupaqueso, è un piatto interessante. Ha vuto origine da Howard Tayler della Schlock Mercenary, é un formaggio fuso e ripieno di ingredienti in un incarto di formaggio. Ho doppiato il mio Chupaqueso de Muerte con l’Ensalada ala mode. Qui sotto c’è un’immagine sans ala mode y ensalada (senza ala mode e enselada).
Chupaqueso de MuerteIt era stato fatto con una conchiglia di Cheddar e Mozarella, e un ripieno di Havarti, Bacon, Prosciutto e Olive. OK, così l’insalata era separata dal Chupaqueso, e solo uno di noi aveva del gelato ovunque vicino ad esso. Ma è andata.
Laurell ha detto "orribilmente buono" emi ha proibito di farne un altro per "molto tempo"

Stavo inizialmente per chiamarlo il Chupaqueso de Luchadores, ma poi dopo aver diviso uno di questi con quattro adulti l’ho chiamato "of Death" e l’ho messo nella famigerata lista dei cibi che non possono essere cucinati. Nella lista c’è anche la Lasagna. Sì, una volta facemmo una cena chiamata a ragione della "Lasagna of Death". Dopo aver mangiato un servizio del diavolo, noi tutti seduti ci guardammo, cercando di non caderee in un coma da cibo.
Stasera è stato un po’ come allora.
Postato da Jonathon il 08/05 alle 11:37

Giovedì 7 Maggio 2009
Cena a casa, film fuori, ora a casa per un’ultima tazza di una calda bevanda e deserto. Oh, abbiamo visto "Wolverine." Ci é piaciuto. Non un’arte elevate, ma se volete un film con una buona sferzata di realtà cazzuta questo potrebbe essere quel film, almeno finché non abbiamo visto "Star Trek". Hugh Jackman aveva fatto palestra ed era fantastico, ma non é stato che sin quasi alla fine del film, quando stava in un top bianco da sottogiacca, jeans, e rombava alla videocamera che tutte le sue spalle, braccia, e didietro hanno dato lo sparo di soldi. È forse troppo alto, intorno al metro e 75 ma diamine eccetto per l’altezza lui era, in quel momento, Wolverine. Per chi non lo sapesse Wolverine nel fumetto é 1.60, la mia altezza, che è il motivo per cui è sempre stato uno dei miei preferiti.
Postato da LKH il 07/05 alle 10:21

Venerdì 6 Maggio 2009
Informazioni aggiornate del Tour
Ho aggiornato il blog da lunedì con le corrette informazioni. Ma eccole di nuovo:
il 1° Giugno al St. Louis Public Library, nel Central Branch. Sì, é vero se vieni in questa firma puoi avere il libro un giorno prima che qualsiasi altra libreria l’abbia messo in vendita. Il mio editore ha fatto una speciale eccezione per la città natale della firma. Subterranean Books fornirà I libri. L’evento comincia alle 18.
Postato da Jonathon il 06/05 alle 17:50

Edited by •·.·´¯`·.†_rAnDaGiA_† - 17/5/2009, 18:36
Anita Blake;
view post Posted on 17/5/2009, 12:54

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Saturday at Home Together
8 pages today. Short piece still going well. Trinity and I watched "Fairy Tale" the movie about the two young girls that took the fairy photos in the early 1900s. The ones that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published and talked about. The movie inspired her to make a lovely fairy house out in the yard. Jon played in his office on War-Crack during our movie viewing. He and I took turns doing things with Trinity so that the other person could have some alone time. It’s been a week with precious little of that for either of us. Jon then took Trin and went to Borders. He bought books and comics and she bought Bionicles. I had the house to myself to read, watch none kid-safe television, or simply to sit in the quiet with the dogs. All things that have been in short supply this week. Jon also picked up the third Mummy movie with Brandon Fraiser, which we saw in theaters, but thought we’d watch this evening, but we made the mistake, or maybe the happy accident, of catching the beginning of "The Princess Bride" on television. It’s one of those movies that you think, I’ll watch it until this scene, or that scene, and you suddenly realize you’ve watched all of a movie that you own on DVD. There are a handful of movies that are simply addictive and there is only one cure, turn off the t.v. and get the DVD and simply give in and watch the movie, or do what we just did, fool yourself into watching it in pieces, but at the end either way you aren’t unhappy. The three of us quoted lines along with the characters, and it’s still one of the best sword fights ever choreographed for the screen. There was food eaten, conversations exchanged, and Jon’s found a new book that he’s really enjoying reading, in the end it was just a good Saturday at home together.

Posted by LKH on 05/16 at 11:21 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

Twitter and a fun Villain
I did eight pages today on the short piece. I’ve actually twittered several times today about the writing already, so I feel like I’ve already talked about it. Twitter puzzled me at first but I’m learning how to use it, and even beginning to enjoy the brief snippets of my day going out on the web. Today’s pages are on the short piece which is looking like it’s going to be novella length, so short only by my standards. But the last two days I really enjoyed writing. I think that’s the first time I can say that in awhile. Yes, I know I should be working on Merry, but I was feeling quite punished trying to write it and frankly so was Merry. So I gave myself a few days to write on anything that sparked my imagination; anything that made me eager to get to my desk in the morning. I’ve finally found that something.

I actually created a villain so fun I hope we don’t kill him right away. I’m used to liking my main characters but I don’t usually enjoy my villains this much. He reminds me of Olaf when he was first created. He seemed both scary and interesting enough to keep around. I didn’t plan on him becoming a recurring character to quite this degree though. He has a very major part in SKIN TRADE, and helps shape the book. Or rather Anita and Edward’s reactions to Olaf help shape the book; is that the same thing? This new bad guy isn’t about being scary so much as fun. He just enjoys the heck out of being bad. It’s fun right now to see him enjoy his job; I’m not sure that will be the case by the time the story finishes. By the end we may decide that he’s terrible enough we want him dead, but right now he’s got some of the best lines. I’m always a sucker for a character that can manage to be both funny and frightening.

Posted by LKH on 05/15 at 06:38 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strategy Meeting
My agent, Merrilee, visited from New York today. It was basically a strategy meeting. Where we are; where we want to be. What I’m making; what I want to make. What I’ve written; what new stuff to write. She went over her end of the business and we went over ours. I told her new ideas I had, and plans for both Merry and Anita. It was very business-y and I always find that a little disturbing. I’m not sure why, but I find talking about my writing as if it were regular business unsettling. What I do is very much business, and I treat it that way, but it’s also creative and artistic and that is hard to fold into a business model. But in the end how else do you discuss business? So all that creative output reduced to numbers and timelines; marketing and strategy. It’s a weird way to spend a day of writing, because though I didn’t type a word on any book today, this was part of the writing process, and part of my job. Tomorrow I get back to actual putting words on paper, and let other people worry about the rest for a few days.

Posted by LKH on 05/14 at 10:02 PM

view post Posted on 17/5/2009, 15:10

Ecco la traduzione degli ultimi tre post di Laurell nel suo blog

Postato il 16 Maggio 2009
Un Sabato insieme a casa

8 pagine oggi. Piccoli pezzi continuano ad andare bene. Trinity ed io abbiamo guardato "Fairy Tale" il film riguardo le due giovani ragazze che fanno delle foto a delle fate nei primi anni del 1900. Quelle che pubblicò Sir Arthur Conan Doyle e di cui parlò. Il film l’ha ispirata a crare un adorabile casa delle fate fuori nel cortile. Jon ha giocato nel suo ufficio a War-Crack mentre noi guardavamo il film. Lui ed io abbiamo preso dei turni nel fare delle cose insieme a Trinity cosicché l’altra persona possa avere del tempo per stare sola. È stata una settimana di molto poco di ciò per ognuno di noi. Jon dopo ha preso Trin ed é andato da Borders. Lui ha comprato libri e fumetti e lei ha comprato i Bionicles. Io avevo la casa per me, per leggere, guardare tutta la tv che non era per bambini, o semplicemente per sedermi in tranquillità con i cani. Tutte cose di cui ero stata poco rifornita durante questa settimana. Jon aveva anche preso il terzo film di Mummy con Brandon Fraiser, che avevamo visto al cinema, pensavo l’avremmo visto questa sera, ma avevamo fatto uno sbaglio, o forse il felice accidente, di vedere l’inizio di "The Princess Bride" in televisione. È uno di quei film che tu pensi, lo vedrò fino a questa scena, o quella scena, e improvvisamente realizzi che hai guardato tutto il film che già hai in dvd. Ci sono una manciata di film che sono semplicemente delle droghe e c’è solo una cura, spegnere la tv, prendere il DVD e darci dentro guardando il film, o fare esattamente quello che noi abbiamo fatto, convincervi di guardarlo in pezzi,ma alla fine in ogni caso siete infelici. Noi tre citavamo le frasi con gli attori, e rimane la migliore battaglia di spade mai coreografata per lo schermo. C’era del cibo mangiato, conversazioni incantate, e Jon aveva trovato un nuovo libro che era davvero divertente leggere, alla fine é stato soltanto un bel Sabato insieme a casa.

Venerdì, 15 Maggio 2009

Twitter e il cattivo divertente
Ho scritto 8 pagine oggi sul piccolo pezzo. Io ho realmente cinguettato (?) già molte volte oggi riguardo la scrittura, così mi sento come se avessi anche parlato riguardo a ciò. Twitter mi aveva lasciato perplessa all’inizio ma sto imparando ad usarlo, e sto anche cominciando a divertirmi con i brevi frammenti della mia giornata che andavano sul web. Le pagine di oggi sono sul piccolo pezzo che sembra star per diventare lungo come una novella, quindi corta solo per i miei standard. Ma gli ultimi due giorni mi è davvero piaciuto molto scrivere. Penso che sia Ia prima volta ch’io lo riesca a dire da molto tempo. Sì, lo so che dovrei lavorare su Merry, ma mi stavo sentendo così punita nel provare a scrivere e francamente questo era Merry. Così mi sono data un po’ di giorni per scrivere su qualsiasi cosa che stuzzicasse la mia immaginazione; qualsiasi cosa che mi rendesse entusiasta nell’andare alla mia scrivania la mattina. Ho finalmente trovato quel qualcosa.

Ho creato un cattivo così divertente che spero non lo uccideremo. Ero solita amare i miei personaggi principali ma di solito non mi piacciono i miei cattivi così tanto. Ciò mi ricorda di Olaf quando l’avevo appena creato. Lui sembrava allo stesso tempo spaventoso e interessante abbastanza per restare in giro. Non avevo pianificato che lui diventasse un personaggio ricorrente sino a questo punto. Lui ha davvero una parte importante in SKIN TRADE, e aiuta a formare il libro. O meglio, le rezioni di Anita ed Edward ad Olaf aiutano a formare il libro; é la stessa cosa? Questo nuovo cattivo non riguarda l’essere spaventoso così tanto quanto divertente. Lui semplicemente si diverte ad essere cattivo. È divertente adesso vedere come lo diverta il suo lavoro; non sono sicura che sia il caso per il momento che la storia finisca. Per la fine potremmo decidere che sia abbastanza terribile per volerlo morto, ma adesso sta avendo alcune delle migliori righe. Sono sempre una ventosa per i personaggi che riescono ad essere sia divertenti che spaventosi.

Giovedì, 14 Maggio 2009

Incontro di strategia
Il mio agente, Merrilee, ha visitato New York oggi. È stato fondamentalmente un incontro di strategia. Dove noi siamo; dove vogliamo essere. Cosa sto facendo; cosa voglio fare. Cosa ho scritto; cosa scrivere di nuovo. Lei è andata oltre la fine del suo lavoro e noi siamo andati oltre i nostri. Le ho detto le nuove idee che ho avuto, e i piani sia per Merry che per Anita. È stata una cosa incentrata sul lavoro e l’ho sempre trovato un po’ inquietante. Non sono sicura del perché, ma trovo che parlare della mia scrittura come se fosse un lavoro regolare sia angosciante. Ciò che faccio è davvero molto lavoro, e lo tratto in questa maniera, ma è anche creativo ed artistico ed è difficile piegarlo al modello del lavoro. Ma alla fine come altro discutete voi di lavoro? Così tutto il prodotto creativo ridotto a numeri e linee temporali; marketing e strategia. È un brutto modo di passare un giorno di scrittura, perché nonostante non abbia battuto una parola su nessun libro oggi, questo era parte del processo di scrittura, e parte del mio lavoro. Domani tornerò a mettere su carta delle vere parole, e lascerò che altra gente si preoccupy del resto per un po’ di giorni.

Edited by •·.·´¯`·.†_rAnDaGiA_† - 17/5/2009, 17:54
Anita Blake;
view post Posted on 13/6/2009, 14:12

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Night Date
It’s date night, so in the interest of finishing the evening the way Jon and I have planned I will be brief. It’s date night, and nothing I could do at the computer would be half so fun as what I can do away from it. Hope everyone is having a good Friday night. I’m going to go enjoy mine.

view post Posted on 3/8/2009, 11:49

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Trying for Displine

Left Jon tucked into bed. We made the mistake of turning off a DVD but not the television and got caught up in the movie, "Apooloosa" based on a Robert B. Parker book. Yes, the same Parker that does the Spenser and Jesse Stone series. I am a serious Spenser fan. Those early books are part of where I learned how to write good dialogue and to be in love with hard-case detectives. When people ask who Anita’s literary grandparents are, I could truthfully say Robert B. Parker’s Spenser books and the old Hammer Vampire films. (Does that count as literary?) I read "Interview with the Vampire" by Anne Rice and "Salem’s Lot" by Stephen King and they both made big impressions on me, but nothing resonated with me to the degree that Parker’s work did.

"Apooloosa" was amazing with Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen as the main characters. Harris also co-wrote screenplay and directed. It was Viggo’s bone structure that first made me go, "wait I know that face". He’s one of those actors that can vanish into a role like a good character actor but is still a leading man; gotta love it. Jon and I planned to watch just a little to see if we wanted to try and catch it later, then suddenly it was 1:00 AM and the show wasn’t over yet. This late I should be up for one of the following reasons: writing on a deadline or with the muse striking hard; up with friends having a great visit; up with family having a great visit; in an emergency, or having great sex. Television does not qualify as something worth setting my schedule off by this much, even good television doesn’t qualify, unless it is something watched with friends or family. We’ve stayed up and watched stuff with our daughter and counted it family time, and the same is occasionally true of friends, though usually if we’re up that late it’s conversation that’s kept us up not TV. But in a spirit of positive thinking I told Jon last night, "We can sleep in tomorrow and still get eight hours of sleep."

We did, we have, and I’m still not happy. Why? Because I haven’t eaten breakfast and it’s 10:37 here. I’ve munched on some fresh cherry tomatoes from our garden. I’m drinking tea, but when you’re on a nutrition plan that puts your calorie intact this low missing breakfast is bad. It makes you want to say, screw it and just eat what you want. Let’s face it most of us want sugary crap for breakfast, or at least I do. I checked on and found that what I want to go out and get for breakfast is almost half my calorie intake for the day. I don’t think so. Not having eaten in so long makes the discipline of it all that much harder.

The second reason I am not happy with the delayed start to my day is that I have writing to do. I will have writing to do most days until DIVINE MISDEMEANORS is turned into New York. There are a lot of reasons for that, but cutting the 50 pages earlier didn’t help. It’s a much better book for cutting all that and totally reworking that section of the book, but I didn’t get a stretch on my deadline because of it. I’m willing to work hard to make this Merry book the best it can be, but there comes a point when you look at your page count, your life, your deadlines and have to decide is this going to happen; can I deliver? We haven’t reached that dread moment yet, but if I keep sleeping in until almost lunch, then have to take care of the dogs, feed myself, and only then get going on the writing I’m just making it harder to keep the deadline. It’s a weekend without the kiddo and I’m trying to make as much hay as I can. I feel like I’ve misused my time.

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts: Jon finally got me to watch "The Frighteners" which is one of his favorite movies. I told him, "If it’s one of your favorites why haven’t we watched it in nine years?" He made noises at me, by end of film I understood. Some of the movie is too close to what I do for a living and it makes me pick at things. It makes me find the logic flaws, or anything that makes me cringe and go, "No way." I kept most of my thoughts to myself, and I enjoyed the movie, but I had a very hard time not picking at some of it. It had a really good twist end that I only saw a short time before it happened, that was cool. In fact, it’s a very fun film with good special effects even by today’s standards, but then it is a Peter Jackson film, co-written and directed by him, and it’s also produced by Robert Zemeckis with Michael J. Fox staring in it. It was a good film, but it was a little too close to a busman’s holiday for me. This is also why I watch almost no vampire TV shows or films, they drive me crazy, because it’s rare that their internal logic, or lack thereof, doesn’t bug me a lot. Think taking a police buddy to a cop film and listening to him tell you just how many times the police work on the screen is wrong. Lot’s. Jon knew that about me, and it is one of his favorites. He didn’t want me to not enjoy it, or to pick it apart. We compromised I tried to keep my mouth shut and only grumble in my head, and we enjoyed the movie together.

It was "The Frighteners" that we turned off and were suddenly on a TV channel and got us sucked into "Apooloosa". We’ll want to get the movie and watch it all at some point, and I even want to get the book which somehow I missed, but not today. Today it’s food and getting me to my desk. Unless my muse strikes hard the out-of-house-time Jon and I had planned on doing may have vanished under the getting-to-sleep-in-time.

A lot of you ask me what it takes to be a selling writer, well one of the biggest things it takes is displine. Short stories can be written when the muse strikes, if you only write a book when the muse strikes generally you never finish that book. Novels are about steady day-in-day-out work. They’re about sitting down on a beautiful summer’s day when you gaze out the window and want to run around the yard like a mad thing chasing your dogs, or just sitting in your garden, but instead you go to work. Does that take all the fun out of it for you? If so, be a plumber, or an accountant, or a thousand other jobs, because in the end writing novels is work. I love my work. I love creating characters and worlds and finding out what happens next, but it’s still work. Every job has it’s crap quotient, every job, the trick is is the job worth the crap to you? To me, it so is, because I’ve had other jobs, even in cooperate America. I never worked hours this long for a company, but for myself and my characters I’ll do the work.

I am really glad Jon and I didn’t make plans to go out with friends today, because I’d need to cancel and some of my friends I haven’t seen in weeks, some in months. When the schedule gets this tight I see friends that are more available for spur of the moment stuff, because I never know when I can break free and play. Here’s hoping the muse and I have a bumper day of quick, good pages so that there is some day left for Jon and I to find some playtime of our own.

Posted by Jonathon on 08/02 at 11:51 AM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Writing Advice, or maybe just Shared Confusion

So many of you ask me how to be a published writer, and I’m sort of stumped, because every writer I know well does it differently. We are very individualistic creatures, we writers. There is no magic formula, or at least not just one. It’s more like there’s a different one for different writers.

Some writers outline. Some writers make outlines almost as long as the finished book. I can’t do that, because if I outline too much then that pressure to write the story goes away. I’ve learned that I can outline the major points of a book, but if I flesh out too much it actually hinders me from finishing the book. I never, ever use the outline they teach you in writing classes. It’s artificial and stifling to me and my muse. I’ve only known one writer that ever found it useful. I write, in part, so I can read it. So I can find out either what happens next, or how we get from point A to point G. Some of my strongest scenes, the ones that you’ve loved the most, are total surprises to me until just pages, or even sentences before the scene happens. I’m right there with the reader going, "Holy shit!"

Good example of that is OBSIDIAN BUTTERFLY, where Anita is introduced to Ted Forrester’s fiance, Donna. Ted is a legal bounty hunter, and now a fellow U. S. Marshal, but he’s also Edward an assassin so dangerous he gave up killing normal humans because it was too easy. He specializes in killing monsters: vampires, wereanimals, or other human killers. He’s a predator’s predator, so when he introduces Anita to a fiance to what she considers a fictional person, Ted, she’s totally surprised, and shocked. This was one of those moments when I was with Anita as I wrote it, going, "No way!" I knew about Donna about two sentences before Anita did.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, Edward is one of my characters that keeps his secrets close to his chest. He rarely talks directly to me. I know he’s off doing other things when he’s not on stage in a book. He comes back to the pages trailing the scent of other adventures, more secrets, like some heady perfume. Strangely, one of the other characters that doesn’t wait for me to write him is Jason. Yeah, I know Jason the boy next door all teasing and sex appeal, who just happens to be a werewolf and a stripper. The two men are very different characters but both very independant. Though both are strangely easy to write once on paper. No idea why.

Jean-Claude, my contribution to the sexy vampire problem, does talk to me directly sometimes, but he also keeps his secrets. He’s both very open and very not. Perfectly him.

Anita is my open book, and the only reason anything surprises me about her is if it surprises her, too. Which happens more often than I’d planned over the years. She’s now a U. S. Marshal with the preternatural branch of that service. She’s still killing vampires and rogue shapeshifters, but she’s also dating the same monsters she’s charged with executing. She’s very much the girl next door who ended up in a very interesting job.

Merry’s men don’t talk to me directly. They don’t do things when I’m not looking. They wait for me to come to them and get it on paper. Merry, faerie princess and private eye, is both open book to me and deeply secret. I guess that goes along with the whole faeries being the hidden people, but it’s still a big difference between the two series and their characters.

On paper Merry writes better and faster with each book, sort of, she’s never as fast a write as Anita, unfortunately. This new Merry book, DIVINE MISDEMEANORS, is writing differently than any other Merry book. I’ll do a page or two, then have to think about it, because I have to make a choice of actions and it changes the rest of the book. I know the overall plot of the book, but the getting there on this one is like picking my way through a minefield. A wrong step and I have to back track to the right path, keep forcing my way down the wrong path and I end up having to cut 55 pages like I did only weeks ago for this book. Ouch, on my deadline, by the way.

All this to say, that every book writes a little differently for me. Every main character writes differently for me. Some of the major/minor characters write differently for me. Major characters are like friends no two the same. How do I tell other people how to write a book when after over twenty of them I’m still learning?
Posted by LKH on 07/29 at 05:07 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why Didn’t Watch Apollo 11 Coverage

I didn’t watch any of the Apollo 11 footage on TV or on the computer. I didn’t listen to any of the audio. At the time I just thought, well, I’m really busy. That is true with the next Merry book, DIVINE MISDEMEANORS due to hit the shelves in December I am rather frantically writing. Jon and I are also still working on the current comic issue of THE LAUGHING CORPSE. There is also some dealings with various things to do with the Anita Blake television show/movie. Can’t go into details, but let’s just say it’s added to my to-do list. In a happy, puzzling, Alice Through the Looking Glass sort of way.

I was excited about the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the moon landing, and it was made doubly poignant for me by the fact that Walter Cronkite died just as it was all happening. He’d been the anchor that my grandmother loved, and had covered the moon landing in a well-informed, enthusiastic, and emotional manner that would be nice to see more on our news now. So, why, on the day did I watch, or listen to, nothing?

It took me a few days to figure it out, but I finally did the math. 40 years ago was a very different anniversary event for me. The moon landing was July 20th, on August 3rd we would get the call from the state police that my mother had been killed in a car accident. I always wondered why I didn’t have really strong memories of it all, I mean I was little, but it was man’s first steps on the moon. Why didn’t it stand out in my memory more? I’d never put it together that it was so close to my mother’s death. While the world was still basking in the glow of "one small step for man, one giant step for mankind," I’d had my own world changing event.

I kept meaning to watch the coverage, but I kept finding excuses not to watch. I worked hard and harder through all of it. Was some small corner of the child I once was convinced that there was some connection between the moon landing and my mother’s death? I don’t know. It’s a question best left for therapy, if it needs answered at all. All I know is that days before I was excited about Apollo 11 and the 40th anniversary, but when the moment came I wanted to be anywhere but watching it.

Was my mother excited about the landing? I don’t remember. I was so young, only six. I couldn’t tell you what my own mother liked on TV, or movies, for the love of God, I don’t even know what her favorite color was, but I know she was buried in my favorite color, because my family had me pick the dress. I was six and a girl and was still going to ballet class, my favorite color was most little girl’s favorite color: pink. My mother was buried in a pink dress. She didn’t own a pink dress. She, like me, didn’t look good in pink. Did some aunt or cousin have to shop and buy a pink dress? Years later I would be going through the closets at my grandmother’s and find one of the dresses I remember my mother wearing. It was black and dark chocolate brown and she had looked beautiful in it. I thought, this was what she should have been buried in, and suddenly I thought, I was six, why was I picking anything out? My grandmother is dead, too now, so I can’t ask her why, but it wouldn’t have mattered. She would have answered that question as she answered so many others, "Why do you want to talk about that? It just upsets me."

That makes two of us. The difference was always that if something upset me I wanted to know why, what happened, I wanted to poke at it, tear it apart, dissect it. My grandmother always found that relentless search for truth one of my least endearing qualities. Now I use that same nearly ruthless pursuit of facts and answers to write. It helps give reality to my fantasy, and makes my books better, stronger, more real flesh and blood. But it doesn’t do anything about that damn pink dress.
Posted by LKH on 07/26 at 08:08 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why the Bad Mood Yesterday?

My mood went really dark yesterday. By the end of the day I was left puzzling over what went wrong inside my head, or emotions, or whatever to cause all that blah. So I went over my day, trying to figure out where I lost the thread of it all. Okay, so the morning didn’t start out great. Jon woke at 5:00 AM not feeling well. He got better during the day, we’ve just both learned there are things we can’t eat, or rather we can, but we’ll regret it later. So cross another food off his list.

By the time I got Jon settled back asleep it was time to get up and I had to have a bath. I just couldn’t jump into the day without it. It was another contortionist bath because of the tattoo, and Jon actually being asleep so he couldn’t help me tape Saran wrap on over the tat. Yes, I know it should have been fine for a shower, but I’m nothing if not cautious. I was soooo not risking messing up the tattoo. I do not want to have to repeat it because I screw it up. By that time it was late enough that I was past my usual down to the kitchen start the day time. That is one of my hot buttons. I do not react well to my schedule being messed with, I’ve had to learn to be okay with it and I’m getting better. In fact, I was calm, cool and actually got to my desk by 9-something. Only a little behind schedule. Okay I wasn’t calm because I had to meditate to find my calm. I did, and felt better, in time to take a call from one of my best friends. He’d had a crisis, and it was a real one, no jokes, no pretend. I don’t normally take phone calls during work hours, but something in his voice let me know it was important. I’m glad I took the call and don’t begrudge one minute of the hour and change of the call. But by then it was 11:00.

We’d been trying to have lunch with Charles all week. But first we, then he, had had things come up and other people change plans on us, so we’d finally gotten it down to 11:30 on Friday. Well, it was Friday and I couldn’t say to him, "I’ve had such a disrupted morning, I need to work instead." I mean I guess I could, but during summer when his kids and ours are out of school we see a lot less of Charles. It had been ages since we’d gotten together with him, so I was not cancelling. He was running late which seemed to be just the rule of the day, but finally . . . He came, we all went to lunch and it was good. It’s always fun to talk to him, and we fall into that pattern of banter and sharing that we built touring together, so it’s always good. though, Carri and I kept falling into talking about business, just hazards of a week day lunch among co-workers. I tried to behave myself, but I did have her make some notes for things to do when we got back to the offices. Me, I had to go back to writing, but I am learning to delagate. It’s a good thing.

Charles had to leave straight from lunch to go for Indianapolis for a drifting event. He had his car loaded on a trailer and ready to go in the parking lot. It was one of the things that had made him a little late for lunch, but again, we’d wanted to see each other so he’d made time to have lunch with us then do his long event. It’s all about compromise. We hugged him good-bye and went back to work.

But, Jon and I had an appointment at Jenny Craig. We’d fallen off the wagon, and gone back on strict eating schedule and it wasn’t working. We’d actually gained weight. The only change from the first time we went on Jenny was that we were doing semi-serious weight lifting. I would say serious but I have to change the weights back at the gym from some of the male weight lifters and Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that’s some serious weight lifting. I’m both impressed and intimidated by someone who can press more than my body weight. Eek. The Jenny Craig rep told us that we needed more protein and more calories on the day’s we were weight lifting. That of course with that level of physical activity we needed more food to keep from being constantly hungry. We’d already cheated at lunch and Jon and I had had almost nothing but protien. We felt much better, not hungry, and this morning we woke up without that gnawing feeling in our gut. We also lost weight just by adding extra protien. More calories equals weight loss if it’s the right calories. So, happier with the meal plan and off we go back home, but by that time it was almost 4:00.

I’m sorry if it’s much after 3:00 in the afternoon I’m tired. I’m ready for afternoon tea or something. The book that I’d written 11 pages on the day before was completely cold on the page. I was frustrated, my deadline was getting ever closer and I was working on not getting angry. Angry at nothing and everthing. I called Carri and asked, "Gym now?" She said sure, her partner Pili was already here planting. Did I mention she landscapes among other talents? She’s an artist in everything she does, even gardening, which is both interesting and visual very cool. Our back yard has never looked so good.

We went to the gym and we lifted. About the time that I was sweating enough to need to wipe sweat off the machine for the next person to use, I was starting to feel better. I lifted as much weight as I could and still do three reps per exercise. I live so far inside my head that I find sometimes the only thing that’s going to help is to do something intensely physical. It just seems to break something loose, and the black mood evaporates on a sheen of sweat, and sheer muscled effort. I felt better and the three of us got that second upper body workout that we missed on Wednesday due to lack of planning and enthusiasm.

I didn’t regret taking care of my sick husband (who woke up feeling much better and is fine now; more vegetables damn it), nor did I regret talking to my good friend and doing the guy version of the girl talk (guys do talk about their emotions and shit, it just takes a lot to get them there, and you have to be guy enough and girl enough to get it), lunch with Charles no regrets there (good luck in Indy, Charles), Jenny Craig we so needed that pep talk and the extra calories, so can’t regret that, that brings us to the gym and I so needed that. So, I didn’t regret anything I’d done that day, but I didn’t have any pages either. I did regret that.

But this morning I woke up and realized that the paragraph I’d done yesterday was wrong. I’m erasing the paragraph and just jumping into the interrogation scene. I don’t need to explain, the last chapter sets everything up for the reader. Yes, a police interrogation scene in a Merry book. DIVINE MISDEMEANORS is kicking my butt more than most of my books by simply forcing me to think before I choose a direction, if I bull my way ahead I end up having to throw out the pages later. No, I don’t have time in my schedule to waste a day, but my muse apparently needs more time to think on some scenes and that’s just the rhythm of the book. It’s a little irritating, but I’ve made notes this morning and I’ve finally been quiet long enough and away from desk long enough for my muse to whisper down my fingers and let me know that I was taking another wrong turn. Today I have my directions in hand clearly written down, so off to work I go. Oh, and where was Trinity during all of yesterday off having a special father/daughter day with her father. She had a great time and missed all my moody mishagas.

Posted by LKH on 07/25 at 01:24 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009

Shapeshifter questions and a writing question answered

Questions from Forum, Twitter, Face Book, and My Space:

1. How does Mowgli Syndrome work? This was first mentioned in DANSE MACABRE, but for those who are not that far in the books or just to refresh the memory, Mowgli Syndrome is a genetic birth defect in Anita’s world. It happens when a human woman that does not shapeshift (because technically shapeshifters are still human) has sex with a shapeshifter while he’s in half man, half beast form. There is a chance that any baby conceived during that kind of sex could have a mixture of human and animal DNA. This does not make them into a born shifter. This makes them a hybrid and some pretty terrible things can ocurr. First, the baby can develop at the speed of the animal in question which with leopards is a matter of weeks, not months. So a human woman can go from barely knowing she’s pregnant to being so pregnant you can’t get a legal abortion. There are no recorded cases of a baby born with Mowgli’s syndrome living for very long. There are cases where the mother dies during the pregnancy or birth. Her body just can’t take the rapid changes of a pregnancy shortened by half, or more. Also the woman’s body can begin to see the baby’s DNA as an intruder just like a rejected transplant organ, or a mother who has a reaction to the RH factor in her baby’s blood. (Oh, yeah, if you are say A, or any other blood type, its the RH factor that matters in this, say you’re negative, but your baby is A positive, you have a chance of your body reacting really badly to it. It’s usually a second pregnancy after a first baby that had the opposite RH factor so the mother’s body is primed to go, nope that’s not our blood type we need to get rid of it.) I’m told they have more treatments for this problem than they did when I was pregnant, because I was sick enough my doctor was trying to find out what was wrong so I got to find out some rather exotic potential problems.

I figured that if a real pregnancy could begin attacking the fetus just because of RH incompatibility, or a variety of other things, then what would happen if you put DNA that was truly different from the mother’s in her body. If you could manage to get a baby and mother alive and whole through a pregnancy with this genetic problem then you’d end up not with a baby shapeshifter, but with something that was neither human nor animal, but a mixture, and not that more elegant mixture of the leopardman, or wolfman, form. My biology degree always helps me make my world more real, and make it more terrorfying. As a woman, the thought that something can go wrong with the baby you’re carrying is one of the top fears. I saw enough in college classes that scared me when I got pregnant. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But during this book with Anita I did more research into potential problems and let me say not research to be done while you are pregnant. Way too scary.

Oh, and before someone asks, having sex with a wereanimal in full human form does not run the risk of Mowgli Syndrome. Apparently in human form they are, well, human for DNA purposes. We talk about their inability to pass a blood test, but no one ever talks about genetic testing for lycanthropy. And, yes, I know that lycanthropy technically is wolf based, but it’s actually a word in medical circles, so I made the choice that it would be used to cover the larger group. Yes, there are other words for it, and I’m sure in Anita’s world there are words for individual animal strains for it, but they wouldn’t be commonly used.

2. What then about the weretigers? We learned in SKIN TRADE they are the exception to a lot of shapeshifter rules. The weretigers are shapeshifters from birth, which is also unique, but most only shift for the first time at puberty. There are weretigers that are survivors of attacks just like most shapeshifters, but the weretiger clans look down on them as lesser beings. They consider any of their people that would attack a human and contaminate them to have committed one of their greatest crimes. They are the only known group in Anita’s world where the female shapeshifters can actually carry to term rather than lose the baby during the sometimes violent changes of shape changing. Also, the baby inside a regular shapeshifter is human when the mother shifts to animal form the baby doesn’t shift with her and you lose the baby that way. Would the baby born of a shapeshifter mother and a human father have Mowgli syndrome? Don’t know, it’s never been successful done in Anita’s world. See earlier probelms.

The weretigeress’s husband, or mate, calms her during the pregnancy and actually keeps her from changing form until after the baby is born. This is only possible if your mate is powerful enough to do the metaphysics, but most males are trained from an early age to do this trick, so most can. I believe it’s something that other wereanimals could learn how to do, but we haven’t seen anyone practice long enough to try. I’m planning on the weretigers that came home from Vegas with Anita to try and teach other animal groups how to do that.

3. No, I have never written a book by hand then typed it into a computer. The first book I ever wrote was done on a computer and all the others have followed suit. My first short stories were by hand, but I was twelve. Once I learned to type my short stories were done on a typewriter. God, carbon paper and white out. I love writing on computers it is so much easier to make copies, to change mistakes, you name it, it is easier on a computer.

Posted by LKH on 07/24 at 08:48 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

And yet . . .

Things that people don’t tell you about tattoos:

1. They hurt after you get them not just during.

2. They will eventually start to itch like crazy, and you must not scratch for fear of messing up the tattoo.

3. You cannot soak them in water for fear of ruining tattoo. So shower, not bath, or very careful to not get tattoo wet in bath, and no swimming. I’m told by this weekend this part should be over and I will be able to soak in the tub.

4. The scabs that fall off are the same color and shape as the tattoo because the scab has ink from your tattoo in it. It looks interesting and a little weird.

5. That you will need to keep the tattoo moist, but not too moist. Whatever you use for this must be unscented because your tattoo is pretty much a wound and scented stings. Some people were very adamant that you use a clear moisturizer, but we’ve managed to use a white hypo-allergenic lotion, scentless, dyeless, and it’s worked. Two friends with multiple tattoos have used it on all their tats so we’re trusting that if it worked for them, it will work for us. One friend even has as many allergies as I do. She and I often use each other as guinea pigs, as in if she can use it and not have a reaction so can I. So far, that’s proved true.

6. One thing I didn’t see on any tattoo websites for advice is to think about what position you like to sleep in when deciding where to place your tat. For at least the first night it hurts to put pressure on the tattoo, so if you’re a back sleeper and get a back tattoo . . . Just fill in the body part and the sleeping position. Jon and I were originally going to get our tattoos on opposite shoulders, but then we realized we are side sleepers who spoon back and forth all night. If we got opposite sides for the tats how would we sleep? So, we got the tats on the same side so we could at least spoon in one direction. By the next night we could sleep on both, though it felt a little odd, not painful just odd.

7. We were warned that tattoos are addictive. The level of pain was surprisingly high for both of us during the actual tattoo. Jon’s decided one tattoo will do him. I would like not to have to do it again, but I admit to talking to friends about the tattoos I wanted most, and trying to figure out how I can divide up the tats so that I’m not enduring the tattooing too long at a time. Outline one tat, then go away and heal, come back and do the color, go away and heal. It would probably take about three trips per tattoo to get them done, and honestly I’d rather not. Because once I get the outline I will feel compelled to finish the tattoo because it would bug me forever to just have the outline. A reminder every day that I couldn’t take the pain, and that I flinched. I’m not big on flinching. And, unfortunately the tats I want are paired, so if you get only one it’s only half done. Sigh.

So if I start I have to be able to finish, and I honestly don’t know if I can do it. There was a moment during the twenty minute tattoo where I got light-headed. I remember clearly thinking, "Oh, good I’m going to pass out then it will stop hurting." My next thought was, "Crap, if I pass out they’ll stop and I will have a partially finished tattoo. Crap. I can’t pass out."

Thanks for all the helpful advice on how to get through the pain of the tattooing process, but I tried them all and it didn’t work. I tried to do the find your point and stare at it, zone out. It helped, but it didn’t stop me from feeling the pain just from reacting to it as strongly as I wanted to react. Lamaze or yoga breathing, nope that really didn’t work for me. Nor did I find the pain cathartic. Cathartic is usually something I do on paper when I write. I tried cursing, no help there either. I went through everything I could think to do in twenty minutes or under. The thought of what I’d do for an hour long tattoo session is sort of problematic.

We love our tattoos, and are happy we did it. But I honestly saw this first small tattoo as a test to see if I was going to get the two larger tattoos I also wanted. I feel somehow like I’ve failed the test. I still want the tattoos, but I’m no longer certain that I could manage the pain long enough to get them. I guess it will come down to how badly I want them, and if I’m willing to pay the price not in money, but in pain. Somehow just asking it that way makes the answer seem like a simple, no way. And yet . . . and yet even as the scabs fall away and the itching grows worse, and this small tat still hurts (no it’s not infected it just seems to be how my body processes the healing process) I’m still worrying at the whole more tattoos problem and trying to find a more friendly way around it all.

Of course, first we’d have to find an artist that could do the tats justice. Because the only thing that would bug me more than starting but not finishing would be to endure all that pain and blood and have the tattoos not be good. So first there would be a search for an artist that could even do them, and having started looking at artist’s on-line portfolios I haven’t seen many that seem to be able to do what I want. Most of them have waiting lists and all are out of state. It just seems like too much trouble. And yet . . .

Posted by LKH on 07/23 at 09:15 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No battle plan survives . . .

We were supposed to go to the gym tonight, but 7:30 came and we were not even close to ready to leave, so we called it. We got dinner and were going to try to see Harry Potter, but the next showing would have gotten us out at near midnight. Too late.

I should go back to work, but I don’t want to. It’s been a long productive day and though with my deadlines I need to go back to work, I think I’m done for the day. I’ve noticed if I push myself too late at night that the next morning is a hard slog at the desk. It’s all a balancing act, and I’m still working out the kinks in this particular act.

So no gym, no work, just good dinner, friends, family, a movie at home. I just know that getting out of the gym later than 10:30 just makes both Jon and I feel bad the next morning. So, I need to let it go, and remember one of my sticky notes I have near my desk. "Let go of the night you had planned, and enjoy the night you’ve been given."

I use that saying with different words in the position for "night". Let go of the day you had planned, the relationship you had planned, the book you had planned, the whatever you had planned and enjoy the whatever you’ve been given. I find it a very useful little saying and I periodically rewrite it with he appropriate new word in the saying and repost it by my desk.

No battle plan survives the enemy. Well, no schedule survives reality. I’ve really got to own that last saying. Maybe that should be the next sticky note by my desk.

Posted by LKH on 07/22 at 08:20 PM

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