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Anita Blake;
view post Posted on 20/3/2009, 20:55 by: Anita Blake;

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Murphy’s Law Kind of Day
It’s been one of those special days, in a Murphy’s law sort of way. First, the new antibiotic made me violently ill. I am not allowed to take it, or any of the meds in it’s chemical family, again. I’ve spent most of the day lying down and trying to sleep it out of my system. The floor of the bathroom is very cool against my skin. I managed to hit my head on the drawer of the bathroom sink area, because I’d opened the drawer rather frantically to get a hair tie. Those with long hair will understand. When I finally tried to stand up I managed to clip the corner of the drawer pretty solidly. Jon was hovering over me, asking, "Are you all right?" I could only say, yes, as I held my head, and tried to decide which hurt more my head or my stomach. My stomach won the debate. Late in the day Jon was finally able to get me some Gatorade and crackers. Saltines are a wonderful thing on days like this. Once food stayed with me the day improved. And yes, we did sleep last night. Well, until four for me and five for Jon, but since we were in bed ready for lights out at nine, that’s a good night’s sleep. I actually was awake for the two hours, or so, that I felt good all day. Good that I didn’t sleep through it.

Posted by LKH on 03/19 at 08:41 PM

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