Il film non ci sarà

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Nekhbet ‡
view post Posted on 22/11/2009, 14:52 by: Nekhbet ‡

Io l'ho letto stamattina ^w^
Riassuntino: la Ham dice che non vuole che i suoi personaggi vengano rovinati dal film, perchè vuole davvero bene ai suoi "amici immaginari".
I would rather have no television show than a bad one. I learned through this long process that I loved Anita and all the other characters in my world. I’d known that in a vague way, but through meetings and talks and hearing other people’s takes on my world, I began to realize that I really loved them. I say they are my imaginary friends. I take friendship very seriously. I protect my friends, take care of them, and the scariest thing to me is not having the TV show die before it really started, but the thought of watching my friends on the small screen and hating it. That would have killed a little part of me.

Questa è la parte importante.
Poi comincia a parlare di Anita & co., ed è molto commovente...
16 replies since 22/11/2009, 10:53   286 views